$ 595.00
This is the first piece we're featuring from our historical fantasy novel, set in 500 CE, eastern Roman Empire (aka Byzantium).
Different characters will wear jewels, each with their own significance.
In our story, our heroine finds herself in a very dangerous situation on a sea voyage from Constantinople to Pentapolis, today's Libya. In Greek mythology, Sirens were the last thing a sailor would hear or see before they were lured to their deaths, crashing against the rocky shore. The Sirens appear to OUR heroine, and... I guess you'll have to read to find out what happens!
Sirens/Mermaids - Uncannily beautiful, their whole mission is JUSTICE and keeping the balance. They hate vessels that are propogating violence: slaves, weapons of war, diverting grain from those who need it- they attack those ships. They are few in numbers, so they are not able to get all sea vessels. They have a sixth sense and can be mischievous.
The mermaids in our story have no eyes like humans: they can only SEE through the aquamarine leaves, which is why they wear their piece low.
Thank you, darling Sophanista.